2024 PA Book Award: Sense of Ghosts. Haunted Phenomena in Reformed Switzerland (1570-1730)

Sense of Ghosts. Haunted Phenomena in Reformed Switzerland (1570-1730) (Sinn für Gespenster. Spukphänomene in der reformierten Schweiz (1570-1730), is an exceptional piece of historical research honored with the Parapsychological Association Book Award for its outstanding contribution to the field. This German-language book explores a little-researched period from 1570 to 1730 in Switzerland, providing an in-depth and culturally relevant examination of haunting phenomena and the societal responses to them.

Szarka’s meticulous and comprehensive research comes from years of engaging with original archival documents, court records, and eyewitness accounts to present a detailed historical narrative. The book meticulously documents 50 significant cases, showcasing the profound ways in which ghosts and paranormal activities were perceived and managed in early modern society in Switzerland.

Sense of Ghosts offers insight into how ecclesiastical and societal perceptions evolved from ghosts as spirits in need of prayers to apparitions that were tests from God involving the devil. Such theological and societal shifts are presented with nuanced details that show how these changes often clashed with the public’s steadfast disbelief in the physical reality of ghost phenomena, including poltergeist activities.

The significance of Sense of Ghosts lies in its outstanding historical accuracy and depth. By documenting the historical precedents of paranormal beliefs and experiences, the book bridges the gap between the past and present and lays the groundwork for enriching discussions in contemporary parapsychology.

Sense of Ghosts stands out as a seminal work that significantly advances our understanding of historical perceptions of haunting phenomena. It exemplifies excellence in historical research and has earned its place as a distinguished contribution to the parapsychological literature.

The Parapsychological Association Book Award was established in 2015 to recognize books in the field of parapsychology that make significant contributions to science and to the cultural conversation about the implications of parapsychology. Visit the PA Book Award Page to learn more about the award and previous winners.

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