2025 PA Convention Call for Submissions

The 67th Annual Convention of the Parapsychological Association (PA) will be held from Tuesday evening, July 15, through Friday afternoon, July 18, 2025, in Freiburg, Germany. The deadline for receiving all submissions is Sunday, February 2, 2025. Submissions received after this date will be considered only in exceptional circumstances. Abstracts of all accepted submissions other than workshops will be included in the convention booklet, provided they are received before the deadline. All submissions to the 2025 PA Convention are best submitted electronically via the Submission Form. Alternatively, you may email submissions as attachments to the Chair of the Program Committee, Dr. Michael Nahm, at convention_program@parapsych.org; in this case, the required material (Abstract, Audio/Video Consent Form, short bio, picture) and the answers to the other questions in the Submission Form including the final confirmation must be sent as attachments. Authors who are not online or who, for some other reason, cannot meet these requirements should contact Dr. Nahm before submission, either by phone or by mail, using the following information:

Phone: +1 (614) 600-2195

Mailing Address:
Institut für Grenzgebiete der Psychologie und Psychohygiene
Dr. Michael Nahm
Wilhelmstrasse 3A
79100 Freiburg

Preparation of Submissions:

 Full paperResearch BriefPosterSymposiumPanel discussionWorkshop
Time allotment (including discussion)30 min.15 min.not applicableup to 90 min.60-90 min.60-90 min.
Submission formatextended abstractextended abstractextended abstractextended abstractbrief abstractbrief abstract
Eligibilitypublicpublicpubliconly PA Professional & Associate Membersonly PA Professional & Associate Membersonly PA Professional & Associate Members

The convention booklet will consist of paper Abstracts only. The purpose of this policy is to encourage the publication of our material in professional journals. Abstracts should be submitted using this template. They will be peer-reviewed by two independent reviewers. If the submission is selected, suggested changes in the abstract may be asked to fit the convention booklet standards.

Extended abstracts should include sufficient information for referees to judge the paper’s adequacy and comprise 600 – 1200 words.

Brief abstracts should contain no more than 500 words.

Anyone may submit a full paper, poster, or research brief for consideration by the Program Committee. The paper may be on any aspect of parapsychology. They may also report fieldwork or case studies relevant to parapsychology.  PA conventions present the latest and most advanced thinking on parapsychological topics and feature recently completed yet-to-be-published work. However, preprints, articles in press/review, and very recently published papers may be submitted to the Program Chair for consideration.

Papers submitted for presentation should be accompanied by information about any audio-visual aids required. If a paper has multiple authors, the submitted paper should indicate which author will give the presentation. In absentia presentations are allowed at the discretion of the Program Chair and will be allowed only in very exceptional circumstances. In absentia presentations can only be given by a “stand in” presenter of choice at the convention; online or pre-recorded presentations are not allowed.

Student Members of the PA participating in the convention may be eligible for travel assistance through the Robert L. Morris Student Travel Grant Program. Additional information and application materials are available here.

Note that the abstracts accompanying accepted papers will be published in the convention booklet and on the PA website, and full videos of the convention presentations will be uploaded to a members-only section of the PA website. Some videos may be selected for public sharing on YouTube. Abstracts of full papers and posters may also be published in the Journal of Parapsychology.

Full papers should be of sufficient depth for a 20-minute presentation followed by eight minutes of discussion. The Program Committee will not consider proposals for research that have not yet been carried out. Research that is nearly completed but has sufficient data to present may be considered for full paper presentation, but otherwise, these submissions are suited for research briefs, posters, etc.

Research briefs are short papers reporting recently completed work or research in progress that do not have sufficient information to meet the full paper requirements. The brief should be adequately summarized within a 10-minute presentation, which will be followed by a short discussion of about three minutes.

Posters are papers or other materials presented in summary form on poster board in a room near the convention floor. Poster sessions are appropriate for short papers, material that is particularly amenable to visual displays (e.g., demonstration of equipment or techniques), or highly technical papers that cannot be communicated effectively in a brief lecture format to a general scientific audience. Authors who want their papers presented in a poster session should pay particular attention to the preparation of visual materials. Copies of photographs to be used in the poster may be included with the submission. Otherwise, the submission requirements are the same as for full papers. Please note that posters need to be made and brought to the convention by the presenter.

Symposia consist of formal presentations on related topics. Proposals for symposia should include a summary sheet indicating the title, chairperson, participants, order of presentation, and proposed time allotment (up to 90 minutes, including discussion periods). Symposia submissions must include full papers plus abstracts from each participant, prepared according to the instructions presented above. Only PA Professional and Associate Members may propose a symposium, but non-members may participate in the symposium.

Panel discussions and workshop proposals are accepted only from PA Professional and Associate Members. Panel discussions are intended to maximize spontaneous interactions among panelists and between panelists and the audience. They should not be used to report original data or analyses. Panel discussions could range from 60 to 90 minutes, and the chairperson should provide substantial discussion time.

Proposals should include a summary sheet that lists the panel title, chairperson, panelists (at least four), order of presentation and time allotments, as well as brief abstracts from each panelist. Submitters are encouraged to set up panel discussions in a debate format.

Workshops are informal discussions of specific topics. Proposals for workshops should include a summary sheet listing the title, chairperson, other presenting participants, type of activity, and a description of the intended content in a brief abstract.

For any assistance with your submission, please contact the Program Chair at: convention_program@parapsych.org

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